Sustainable Structural Systems (SuStrucSy) at the Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering of the University of Toronto is a research group directed by Professor Aryan Rezaei Rad. SuStrucSy is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge in digital building technology and sustainability-based design of structural systems.

We are dedicated to conducting research, teaching, and technology transfer in the field of Timber Engineering.
We utilize digital fabrication to promote a forward-thinking digital building culture within the Canadian Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector.
©2023 Sustainable Structural Systems
Our primary fields of specialization revolve around structural engineering and the application of digital fabrication and automation to tackle challenges in the constructed environment. We concentrate on matters like developing resilient and eco-friendly structures in urban areas and advocating for digital design approaches for mass timber constructions. Our efforts shape decisions and policies aimed at advancing digital building practices in Canada and beyond.

©2023 Sustainable Structural Systems